Lascaux Cave Art Jar


This piece was inspired by the Lascaux Cave discovery.  When the two modern day hunters entered the cave, it was as if being taken back 15,000 years through a time portal.  This piece was built by the coiled clay method, painted with crudely manufactured brushes from the Yucca plant, and then fired in a modified Naked Raku process.  It is alive with primal essence emanating from its prehistoric beginnings enhanced by its primitive construction and rendition techniques. The process of making this jar was raw clay coil and scraped into its shape resembling the prehistoric Hopi Sityaki jar. Upon its surface was painted the animal theme. The jar was then fired in a traditional kiln. Upon cooling the painted surface was covered with raw wet clay.  It was then fired in a Raku gas kiln until it was red hot. Removed hot from the Raku kiln it was placed glowing into a loft of leaves and pine needles. The leaves would then burst into flames when the oxygen was cut off extinguishing the flame. Black carbon from the burnt leaves and needles was driven into the clay. Pull the jar out while still hot it was submerged in water until cool. The process involves fire and steam. Once cooled the clay is chipped from the surface of the painting. This process creates a very rough stone-like rough surface which is then sealed with acrylic. The result is a very archaic appearing jar which seems to be thousands of years old. If you like smooth shinny ceramics this piece is not for you, but if you appreciate the beauty of prehistoric artifacts, then I think you will enjoy the raw primitive essence of Lascaux Cave Jar. Thank you for looking.

Dimensions:  5.5 inches height x 15 inches (Large Jar)

Price:  $375.00 – free handling and shipping within the contiguous USA.

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.