“Quail with Chicks" is precisely painted in distinct Mimbres fashion. Is this a bear or a lion? The tail is of a lion, but the feet are of a bear. Maybe it is neither, but rather a fantasy creation or vision of something totally unique. This replication bowl was inspired by an actual Mimbres bowl that was created hundreds of years ago. The original was made approximately circa 1100 AD during the Classical Mimbres Period. The replication was hand constructed and painted in the traditional ways. It was pit fired with juniper wood which resulted in the rich fire clouds and a unique patina upon its surface.  It appears as an authentic artifact and would not be suspected as a replication unless further examination revealed that it was indeed so. “Quail with Chicks" was reproduced in the White Mountains of Arizona at Starling Black Studio. We strive for excellence and authenticity in all of our work and attempt to preserve and protect the prehistoric arts by offering a viable alternative solution to the collection of actual artifacts. If you enjoy the simple beauty and rawness of primitive art, then a high quality replication bowl is a viable solution. I believe you will not be disappointed in this fine bowl. Thank you for looking.

Specifications: Six (6) inch diameter bowl

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

Sold out

Anasazi/Mimbres quail Sherd

Sold out

Anasazi/Mimbres quail Sherd


This piece was handcrafted, painted, and pit fired. It is rich with fire clouds and appears very authentic. The “Quail Sherd” is a great affordable alternative solution to the collection of authentic prehistoric artifacts which are rare, expensive, and at times of questionable origin. If you love the rawness and simplicity of prehistoric arts, then this piece will not disappoint you.

Price: 12.95 with free shipping within the contiguious US

The Mimbres Culture was related to the Anasazi Tribe, although because of their geographic isolation Mimbres Art took a divergent tangent from the Anasazi. A legacy of small to medium sized ceramic bowls which depicted the natural world were left to us. This reproduction bowl is rendered with the image of a hare upon its interior surface. The hare was a common motif in Mimbres artwork, and several renditions of this theme have been unearthed from their abandoned ruins. Why they left and where they went is open to conjecture. The Mimbres Culture spanned from circa 200 to 1150 A.D. when they resided in the southwest deserts of America.  Starling Black Studio in the White Mountains of Arizona attempts to reproduce realistic looking replications of original artifacts.  Our vessels are handmade and painted with homemade brushes of hair or yucca. A dirt pit firing of juniper wood renders rich fire clouds and a smoky patina upon the bowl's surface. If you enjoy the rawness of primitive art, then I believe you will not be disappointed in our work. Thank you for looking.

Size:  Ten (10) Inches Diameter

Price:  $250.00 with free handling and shipping to the contiguous United States of America

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

This piece was handcrafted, painted, and pit fired. It is rich with fire clouds and appears very authentic. The “Man with Headress Sherd” is a great affordable alternative solution to the collection of authentic prehistoric artifacts which are rare, expensive, and at times of questionable origin. If you love the rawness and simplicity of prehistoric arts, then this piece will not disappoint you.

Price: 26.95 with free shipping within the contiguious US

“Fantastic Creature” is precisely painted in distinct Mimbres fashion. Is this a bear or a lion? The tail is of a lion, but the feet are of a bear. Maybe it is neither, but rather a fantasy creation or vision of something totally unique. This replication bowl was inspired by an actual Mimbres bowl that was created hundreds of years ago. The original was made approximately circa 1100 AD during the Classical Mimbres Period. The replication was hand constructed and painted in the traditional ways. It was pit fired with juniper wood which resulted in the rich fire clouds and a unique patina upon its surface.  It appears as an authentic artifact and would not be suspected as a replication unless further examination revealed that it was indeed so. “Fantastic Creature” was reproduced in the White Mountains of Arizona at Starling Black Studio. We strive for excellence and authenticity in all of our work and attempt to preserve and protect the prehistoric arts by offering a viable alternative solution to the collection of actual artifacts. If you enjoy the simple beauty and rawness of primitive art, then a high quality replication bowl is a viable solution. I believe you will not be disappointed in this fine bowl. Thank you for looking.

Specifications: Six (6) inch diameter bowl

Price:  $85.00 with free handling and shipping to anywhere in the contiguous USA

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

This piece was handcrafted, painted, and pit fired. It is rich with fire clouds and appears very authentic. The “Fisher Sherd” is a great affordable alternative solution to the collection of authentic prehistoric artifacts which are rare, expensive, and at times of questionable origin. If you love the rawness and simplicity of prehistoric arts, then this piece will not disappoint you.

Price: 27.95 with free shipping within the contiguious US

Today the prehistoric Mimbres Culture is best known for the ceramic bowls they painted. This bowl is a replication of what appears to be a human/spirit-like entity with arms lifted in prayer or a blessing. Corn symbols (Teeth and dotted squares) proliferate upon the surface of this bowl.  A deity or shaman appears to be blessing a corn crop or praying for a successful harvest. Since no written records exist from this extinct culture our speculation is only a best guess which may be entirely right or absolutely wrong. Most likely the truth exists between these two extremes.  Whatever the inherent meaning of this bowl, we at Starling Black Studio strive to realistically recreate and replicate the original artifacts of the extinct cultures. Many of our replications look so realistic and could easily be mistaken as original artifacts if placed in a museum.  If you appreciate the raw beauty and simplicity of the primitive arts, then I believe you will be very satisfied with the acquisition of “Corn Deity” as it effectively reflects the fine art that was once created in the southwestern deserts of prehistoric America by the now extinct and vanished Mimbres Culture.

Dimensions:  6 Inches Diameter

Price: $95.00

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

This piece was handcrafted, painted, and pit fired. It is rich with fire clouds and appears very authentic. The “Deer Sherd” is a great affordable alternative solution to the collection of authentic prehistoric artifacts which are rare, expensive, and at times of questionable origin. If you love the rawness and simplicity of prehistoric arts, then this piece will not disappoint you.

Price: 12.95 with free shipping within the contiguious US.

The Mimbres culture was an offshoot of the Anasazi tribe that existed in the southwestern deserts of America 200 to 1150 A.D. Today the Mimbres are best known for their artisans who painted a variety of different sized ceramic bowls that displayed the natural world which surrounded them.  The image of a Serpent Dancer painted upon this bowl's interior. The design is highly stylized in the Mimbres tradition.  The dancer is displayed in a serpent headdress costume and is engaged in what appears to be a ritualistic dance or performance. This replication was produced using primitive techniques and wood firing processes which rendered upon its surface rich fire clouds and a smoky patina.  Starling Black Studio in the White Mountains of Arizona strives to maintain the prehistoric arts by recreating realistic appearing replications of original artifacts. If you love archeology and have an appreciation for the raw beauty of the prehistoric arts, then I'm sure you will agree that "Serpent Dancer Bowl" is indeed an exquisite representation of the original art once produced by the extinct Mimbres Culture. Thanks for looking.

Dimension:  Seven (7) Inch Diameter Bowl

Price:  $135.00 with free shipping and handling in the contiguous United States of America

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

This piece was handcrafted, painted, and pit fired. It is rich with fire clouds and appears very authentic. The “Bat Sherd” is a great affordable alternative solution to the collection of authentic prehistoric artifacts which are rare, expensive, and at times of questionable origin. If you love the rawness and simplicity of prehistoric arts, then this piece will not disappoint you.

Price: 12.95 with free shipping within the contiguious US

Up for sale is the replication of a Mimbres bowl depicting a stylized polychrome rendition of a bat.  Today the now extinct Mimbres Culture is best known for the small to medium sized ceramic bowls upon which they painted the natural world that surrounded them. Starling Black Studio is committed to realistically recreating primitive arts from extinct cultures. Our pieces are constructed and processed using primitive and traditional techniques which render upon their surface a smoky patina that is rich with fire clouds. The bowls are purposely abraded, stressed, and stained to give the appearance of an authentic artifact. The bat was a common theme in the Mimbres Culture, with several different renditions unearthed. We are very fond of the bat motif and are happy to offer our fifth variation of it.  If you appreciate the art from prehistoric cultures and have a love for archeology, then I believe you will be pleased with our inspired replication of “Polychrome Bat #5.” Thank you for looking.

Dimensions:  Six (6) Inches Diameter

Price:  $95.00 with free handling and shipping to anywhere in the contiguous United States of America

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

This piece was handcrafted, painted, and pit fired. It is rich with fire clouds and appears very authentic. The “Flower Sherd” is a great affordable alternative solution to the collection of authentic prehistoric artifacts which are rare, expensive, and at times of questionable origin. If you love the rawness and simplicity of prehistoric arts, then this piece will not disappoint you.

Price: 12.95 with free shipping within the contiguious US

This bowl was handcrafted and painted to appear as an authentic Mimbres item in every way. The subject is of a startled deer that while fleeing, glances over its shoulder to get a better look at its pursuer. The prehistoric Mimbres tribe existed from approximately circa 200 to 1150 AD in the prehistoric southwestern deserts of America. Today they are best known for the fantastically painted ceramic bowls they left behind. Rich fire clouds adorn this bowl, and a soft smoky patina covers its surface. The vessel was hand formed and scraped prior to being painted with homemade brushes of hair and yucca. It was fired in an open wood fire pit. After the ashes cooled it emerged as a timeless piece of art that harkens one’s thoughts back to a simpler less complex time in the prehistory of man. An original Mimbres bowl is rarely seen today unless one travels to an antiquities museum or is fortunate enough to know a private collector who can afford such a wonderful piece of prehistoric art. This replication “Fleeing Deer Bowl” is not only affordable, but also an available option for one interested in the archeological arts. In the White Mountains of Arizona, we at Starling Black Studio, attempt to make each piece as realistic looking as possible. I’m sure you will enjoy this bowl as much as we were pleased to make it. Thank you for looking.

Size:  Six (6) inch diameter

Price:  $85.00 with free handling and shipping to the contiguous United States of America.

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.


The now extinct Mimbres Culture (circa 200 to 1150 A.D.) is best known for the wonderful pictures they painted upon small to medium sized ceramic bowls. A popular theme was that of the bat. Several different varieties and styles of this subject have been recovered from historical sites and ruins. This reproduction bowl is a copy of one of those renditions. This particular bowl was brought to our attention by a physician residing in New Mexico. At Starling Black Studio, we strive to make realistic appearing replications of these bowls. Authentic bowls are few and extremely expensive if you indeed can find one for sale. Most of us must take a road trip to a distant archeological museum to even see these pieces of antiquity.  If you love archeology and have an appreciation for the rawness of the primitive arts, then I believe you will not be disappointed with the acquisition of “Bat Bowl.” Thank you for looking.

Dimensions:  Six (6) inches diameter

Price:  $95.00 with free handling and shipping to anywhere in the contiguous United States of America.

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

Up for your consideration is a replication bowl of what appears to be a heron with a ridiculously long neck upon which are painted renditions of fish. The original bowl was produced by the now extinct Mimbres Culture which existed approximately Circa 1100 A.D. The bowl is highly stylized and rich with symbolism. The overall appearance of this bowl is comical which belies an innate sense of humor this prehistoric tribe must have had. At Starling Black Studio, we strive to replicate authentic artifacts that, although contemporary produced, appear as originals. We obtain this result from the use of primitive processes and techniques to produce these pieces. If you love archeology and have an appreciation for the rawness of prehistoric art, then I believe you will not be disappointed with the acquisition of “Heron Bowl” as it captures the essence of and appearance of an authentic artifact. Thank you for looking.

Size: Seven (7) Inches Diameter

Price:  $150.00 with free handling and shipping to the contiguous U.S.A.

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

The now extinct Mimbres Culture (circa 200 to 1150 A.D.) is best known for the wonderful pictures they painted upon small to medium sized ceramic bowls. A popular theme was that of the bat. Several different varieties and styles of this subject have been recovered from historical sites and ruins. This reproduction bowl is a copy of one of those renditions. At Starling Black Studio, we strive to make realistic appearing replications of these bowls. Authentic bowls are few and extremely expensive if you indeed can find one for sale. Most of us must take a road trip to a distant archeological museum to even see these pieces of antiquity. If you love archeology and have an appreciation for the rawness of the primitive arts, then I believe you will not be disappointed with the acquisition of one of our pieces.  Thank you for looking at "Bat Bowl."

Dimensions:  Six (6) inches diameter

Price:  $95.00 with free handling and shipping to anywhere in the contiguous United States of America

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

This is a delightful reproduction of a prehistoric design by the Mimbres tribe now passed into extinction (circa 200 – 1150 AD). The subject is of a Horny Toad Lizard with a body of diminishing concentric rings. The design is repetitious with cascading circles which complements and harmonizes with the shape of the round bowl. The Mimbres artists were masters of design which is very evident in this artistically orchestrated creation. The bowl was replicated at Starling Black Studio not so very far away from where it was originally crafted in the southwestern deserts of North America. It was hand constructed, painted with homemade yucca brushes, and wood fired in an earthen pit. These traditional techniques have rendered the bowl’s surface with rich fire clouds and a pleasing smoky patina. We appreciate you looking at our work as we love recreating the prehistoric designs that we have researched from museums and books.

Diameter:  6-inch bowl

$95.00 with free shipping and handling to anywhere in the contiguous United States of America.

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

Up for your consideration is an unusual, although interesting, replication Mimbres bowl depicting a ritualistic decapitation scene. The man seated upon the victim dons a serpent style headdress with a trailing decorated sachet.  I am not aware of human sacrifice practices in this extinct culture which makes this bowl even more fascinating.  The original artifact was found on a ranch in the Mimbres Valley of New Mexico, but now resides in the University of Colorado Museum in Boulder, Colorado.  At Starling Black Studio our goal is to create realistic appearing replications of original artifacts. If you love archeology, have an appreciation for the raw unrefined beauty of prehistoric artifacts, and don’t find the theme of this bowl too disturbing, then I am sure you will not be disappointed in “Decapitation Bowl.” Thank you for looking.

Dimensions:   10 inches diameter

Price:  $250.00 with free handling and shipping to the contiguous United States of America

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

the now extinct Mimbres Culture is best known for the small to medium sized ceramic bowls upon which they painted the natural world that surrounded them. Starling Black Studio is committed to realistically recreating primitive arts from extinct cultures. Our pieces are constructed and processed using primitive and traditional techniques which render upon their surface a smoky patina that is rich with fire clouds. The bowls are purposely abraded, stressed, and stained to give the appearance of an authentic artifact. The bat, a common theme in the Mimbres Culture, with several different renditions unearthed. We are very fond of the bat motif and are happy to offer our fifth variation of it.  If you appreciate the art from prehistoric cultures and have a love for archeology, then I believe you will be pleased with our inspired replication of “Polychrome Bat #5.” Thank you for looking.

Pottery is for display purposes and not to be used in food preparation or serving.

Dimensions:  Six (6) Inches Diameter

Price:  $95.00 with free handling and shipping to anywhere in the contiguous United States of America.

The Mimbres Culture was related to the Anasazi Tribe, although because of their geographic isolation Mimbres Art took a divergent tangent from the Anasazi. A legacy of small to medium sized ceramic bowls which depicted the natural world were left to us. This reproduction bowl is rendered with the image of what is believed to be a shaman painted upon its interior surface.  Some believe this image is that of Kokopelli, but others disagree, because a staff replaces the flute identified with Kokopelli.  Our best guess would only be riddled with speculation and conjecture as no written records were kept by this extinct tribe. Why they left and where they went is unknown. The Mimbres Culture spanned from circa 200 to 1150 A.D. where they resided in the southwest deserts of America.  Starling Black Studio in the White Mountains of Arizona attempts to reproduce realistic looking replications of original artifacts.  This vessel was inspired by Mimbres bowls viewed in books and museums. Our vessels are handmade and painted with homemade brushes of hair or yucca. A dirt pit firing of juniper wood renders rich fire clouds and a smoky patina upon each bowl's surface. If you enjoy the rawness of primitive art, then I believe you will not be disappointed in our work "Shaman Bowl." Thank you for looking.

Size:  Six (6) Inches Diameter

Price:  $95.00 with free handling and shipping to the contiguous United States of America.

The Mimbres Culture circa 200 to 1150 A.D. was believed to be related to the prehistoric Anasazi, but because of their geographic isolation their art took a divergent path of creativity which is evidenced by the remarkable small to medium sized ceramic picture bowls they painted of the natural world that surrounded them. This replication is of a bowl upon which is rendered a creature that appears to be a canine eating an insect. Probably it is a fox, but your guess is as good as mine. This ancient culture left no written records to reveal the interpretation of their symbolism. At best we can only speculate as to true meaning of the designs painted upon these remnant pieces of antiquity. The tradition, language, and beliefs of this forgotten culture and their art long ago passed into obscurity and extinction. This replication appears as realistic and authentic as the original because primitive techniques where used to develop it. It was hand built, painted with homemade natural yucca brushes, and fired in a dirt pit using Juniper branches which rendered upon its surface rich fire clouds and a smoky patina.  There are now few original Mimbres bowls available to be acquired and it is a rare person who can actually afford to purchase original artifacts while the majority of us need to travel hundreds of miles to a museum to see these pieces of lost art from an extinct culture. This replication offers an affordable solution to anyone who appreciates the unique rawness and natural look of a prehistoric artifact and the art of a bygone culture. At Starling Black Studio our goal is to make realistic looking replications of original artifacts. If you enjoy the raw beauty of prehistoric arts, then we believe you will be pleased with our rendition of "Fox Eats Insect Bowl." Thank you for looking.

Diameter:  Six (6) Inches

Price:  $95.00 with free handling and shipping to anywhere in the contiguous United States of America.

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

Native to the prehistoric Southwestern Americas the now extinct Mimbres culture is best known for their brilliant abstraction of the natural world they prolifically painted on small ceramic bowls. Their exquisite art was all but lost in the ashes of time except for a few authentic pieces now displayed in museums or small private collections. This reproduction bowl depicts a swarm of hummingbirds franticly competing for the nectar of a single bloom. It is a depiction of a synergy of wings, long bills, and tail feathers all coming together in a fantastic visual symphony of fine art that may have easily been forever lost in the endlessness of time. This replication vessel was handcrafted, painted, and wood fired in a dirt pit. It is rich with fire clouds and although a replication appears as an authentic artifact from an extinct culture.  At Starling Black Studio our mission is to preserve the archeological arts by creating realistic appearing replications of original artifacts from extinct prehistoric cultures. If you love archeology and have an appreciation for the rawness of primitive art, then I believe you will not be disappointed with our efforts to replicate, “Humming Birds and Bloom” for it appears to be authentic appearing in almost every way.

Dimensions:  6 Inches Diameter Bowl

Price:  $95.00 with free handling and shipping within the contiguous United States of America

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

Up for sale is a Mimbres bowl replication with the rendition of a whimsical turkey painted upon it. The now extinct Mimbres Culture is now best known for the small to medium sized ceramic bowls upon which they painted the natural world that once surrounded them. Starling Black Studio is dedicated to recreating the art from extinct cultures. All of our bowls are made in the White Mountains of Arizona. We use traditional processes and construction techniques once used by the primitive artisans of long ago. Our pieces are wood fired in an earthen pit which renders upon their surface a smoky patina and rich fire clouds.  If you enjoy the rawness of prehistoric arts and have a love for archeology, then I believe you will not be disappointed with the acquisition of “Turkey Bowl”.

Dimensions:  6 Inch Diameter

Price:  $95.00 with free handling and shipping to the contiguous United States of America

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

The Mimbres Culture circa 200 to 1150 A.D. is believed to be related to the prehistoric Anasazi, but because of their geographic isolation their art took a divergent path of creativity which is evidenced by the remarkable small to medium sized ceramic picture bowls they painted of the natural world that surrounded them. This replication is of an incredible and fantastic zoomorphic creature which features the attributes of a hare combined with the tail of a rattlesnake! The animal is perched upon a flower and appears suspended in the air. It is difficult to determine the true meaning of this design as no written records exist to discern the symbolism of this bygone culture. This piece was inspired by an actual bowl which is hundreds of years old. The replication appears authentic and as an original Mimbres bowl because primitive techniques where used to reproduce it. It was handmade, painted with homemade brushes, and fired in a dirt pit using Juniper branches which rendered upon its surface rich fire clouds and a smoky patina.  It is a rare person who can actually afford to purchase original artifacts and few are available to be acquired. The majority of us need to travel hundreds of miles to a museum to see these pieces of lost art from an extinct culture. This replication offers an affordable alternative solution to anyone who appreciates the unique rawness and natural look of a prehistoric artifact. If you love archeology and the simplicity and beauty of primitive art, you will not be disappointed in this bowl, “Zoomorph.”

Diameter:  Seven (7) Inches

Price:  $135.00 with free handling and shipping to anywhere in the contiguous United States of America.

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

The Mimbres Culture was related to the Anasazi Tribe, although because of their geographic isolation Mimbres Art took a divergent tangent from the Anasazi. A legacy of small to medium sized ceramic bowls which depicted the natural world were left to us. This reproduction bowl is rendered with the image of what is believed to be a shaman painted upon its interior surface.  Some believe this image is that of Kokopelli, but others disagree because a staff replaces the flute identified with Kokopelli.  Our best guess would only be riddled with speculation and conjecture as no written records were kept by this extinct tribe. Why they left and where they went is unknown. The Mimbres Culture spanned from circa 200 to 1150 A.D. when they resided in the southwest deserts of America.  Starling Black Studio in the White Mountains of Arizona attempts to reproduce realistic looking replications of original artifacts.  This vessel was inspired by Mimbres bowls viewed in books and museums. Our vessels are handmade and painted with homemade brushes of hair or yucca. A dirt pit firing of juniper wood renders rich fire clouds and a smoky patina upon each bowl's surface. If you enjoy the rawness of primitive art, then I believe you will not be disappointed in our work "Shaman Bowl." Thank you for looking.

Size:  Six (6) Inches Diameter

Price:  $95.00 with free handling and shipping to the contiguous United States of America.

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

The Anasazi Culture was composed of Ancestral Puebloans who frequented the desert and high country of prehistoric Southwestern America. Their legacy was a plethora of stone pueblo structures and ceramic pottery sherds that ranged from New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, to Utah. Still today, the countryside is scattered with black and white pottery sherds which speak to their prolific and artistic abilities. High in the White Mountains of Arizona, Starling Black Studio attempts to replicate the wonderful ceramic vessels once made by this extinct culture.  Our pottery pieces are made to appear as actual artifacts. You will not find smooth surfaces or symmetrical forms; small scratches and excoriations abound. The jars are handmade and painted with our homemade brushes and our propriety paints. Each olla, canteen, or jar is fumed, stained, and abraded. All are wood fired in a dirt pit which renders the surface with rich fire clouds and a smoky patina that can only be obtained from the use of these primitive processing techniques.  No two pieces are the same and none appear new or refined.

Dimensions: approximately 8.5 Inches Height by 11.0 Inches Width

Free shipping within the contiguous United States

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

Mimbres/Anasazi Swallow Bowl Replication

The now extinct Mimbres Culture once existed in the southwestern deserts of America approximately from circa 200 to 1150 A.D.  They left behind an archeological record of fantastic and wonderful ceramic bowls upon which were rendered depictions of the natural world that once surrounded them. This bowl is the replication of the original which incorporates four swallows woven into a multiple panel tapestry which is dynamic and active. The replication bowl was handmade and painted with homemade brushes of yucca, processed using primitive techniques which rendered rich fire clouds and a smoky patina upon its surface. This is a beautiful bowl and a tribute to the extinct culture that once created it. “Swallow Bowl” was replicated by Starling Black Studio in the White Mountains of Arizona probably not all that far from where the original was first created. The bowl was replicated to appear as an original artifact and probably would confound all but the most astute archeologist or dedicated collector as to its authenticity.  If you have a love for prehistoric art but cannot afford or find legally obtained originals to purchase, then replication bowls are a great alternative.  “Swallow Bowl” has the appearance of a raw prehistoric artifact and will not disappoint the discerning collector.

Dimensions:  Seven (7) Inches Diameter

Price:  $150.00 with free handling and shipping to anywhere in the contiguous United States of America

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

The Mimbres Culture is believed to be related to the Anasazi Tribe which went extinct in approximately circa 1150 A.D.  Due to their geographic isolation Mimbres art took a divergent direction from the Anasazi.  Depictions of the natural world adorn a multitude of small to medium sized ceramic bowls they left as a legacy. No one seems to know what this particular bowl represents. I've heard some say it is a frog. Others have described it as a fetus. I personally believe it is a representation of Casper the prehistoric friendly ghost. All kidding aside, your guess would be as good as any for no written records were left by this bygone culture.  Starling Black studio attempts to recreate realistic looking replications of original artifacts. The bowl was homemade and painted by hand with yuca or hairbrushes. A smoky patina and fire clouds adorn its surface rendered from the wood pit fire that completed the process. If you enjoy the rawness of primitive art and have a love for archeology, then I believe you will enjoy "Casper Ghost Bowl" as reproduced in our studio in the White Mountains of Arizona. Thank you for looking.

Dimensions:  Six (6) Inches Diameter

Price:  $85.00 with free handling and shipping to the contiguous United States of America

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

The Mimbres Culture circa 200 to 1150 A.D. was believed to be related to the prehistoric Anasazi, but because of their geographic isolation their art took a divergent path of creativity which is evidenced by the remarkable small to medium sized ceramic picture bowls they painted of the natural world that surrounded them. This replication is of a bowl upon which is rendered a creature that appears to be two ram heads.  This ancient culture left no written records to reveal the interpretation of their symbolism. At best we can only speculate as to true meaning of the designs painted upon these remnant pieces of antiquity. The tradition, language, and beliefs of this forgotten culture and their art long ago passed into obscurity and extinction. This replication appears as realistic and authentic as the original because primitive techniques were used to develop it. It was hand built, painted with homemade natural yucca brushes, and fired in a dirt pit using Juniper branches which rendered upon its surface rich fire clouds and a smoky patina. The bowl is incredibly authentic in appearance.  It is a rare person who can actually afford to purchase original artifacts and the majority of us need to travel hundreds of miles to a museum to see these pieces of lost art from an extinct culture. This replication offers an affordable solution to anyone who appreciates the unique rawness and natural look of a prehistoric artifact and art of a bygone culture.

Diameter:  Ten (10) Inches Diameter

Price:  $250 with free shipping and handling anywhere in the contiguous United States of America

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

Up for sale is a replication of a Mimbres bowl depicting a highly stylized rendition of a ram upon the interior of a seven-inch diameter bowl. The ram is framed in an intricate border of interlocking geometric designs that is as interesting as the main subject matter. The bowl and design was recreated at Starling Black Studio in the White Mountains of Arizona and is a tribute to the fine art once created by the now extinct Mimbres Culture in the high deserts of prehistoric America. At Starling Black Studio, we strive to recreate realistic appearing replications of original artifacts from extinct cultures. If you appreciate the rawness of the prehistoric arts and have a love for archeology then a replication bowl may be an alternative solution rather than the collection of original artifacts that are often expensive, unavailable, and at times come from questionable sources. Thank you for looking.

Dimensions:  Seven Inches Diameter (7 Inch Diameter)

Price:  $150.00 with free handling and shipping to anywhere in the contiguous United States of America.

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.


The Mimbres Culture was related to the Anasazi Tribe, although because of their geographic isolation Mimbres Art took a divergent tangent from the Anasazi. A legacy of small to medium sized ceramic bowls which depicted the natural world were left to us. This reproduction bowl is rendered with the image of two scorpions upon its interior surface. The scorpion was a common motif in Mimbres artwork, and several renditions of this theme have been unearthed from their abandoned ruins. Why they left and where they went is open to conjecture as no written records remain. The Mimbres Culture spanned from circa 200 to 1150 A.D. where they resided in the southwest deserts of America.  Starling Black Studio in the White Mountains of Arizona attempts to reproduce realistic looking replications of original artifacts.  Our vessels are handmade and painted with homemade brushes of hair or yucca. A dirt pit firing of juniper wood renders rich fire clouds and a smoky patina upon the bowl's surface.  If you enjoy the rawness of primitive art, then I believe you will not be disappointed with "Double Scorpion Bowl" as it has the appearance of an actual artifact emerging from the depts of time. Thank you for looking.

Size:  Six (6) Inches Diameter

Price:  $95.00 with free handling and shipping to the contiguous United States of America

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

Today the now extinct Mimbres Culture is best known for the stylized renditions they painted upon the interiors of small to medium sized ceramic bowls. They appeared to take an equal interest in all the creatures of the natural world that surrounded them from large bears to small tadpoles. Upon this bowl is the rendition of two insects between which is an interlocking swirl. The meaning of this bowl is lost as no written records exist to decipher the symbolism. We can only look and wonder.  Starling Black Studio recreated this bowl in a small studio in the White Mountains of Arizona.  Our goal at the studio is to make realistic replications of the prehistoric art from extinct cultures. We use traditional processes and primitive techniques in the construction and painting of our replica pottery pieces. It is often difficult to find prehistoric art for sale and the price is often prohibitive. Replica Art is an alternative solution that is available, affordable, and highly collectable. If you enjoy the simplicity and rawness of the primitive arts and have a love for archeology, then I believe you will be pleased with this bowl displaying insects from a time long ago.

Dimensions:  Seven (7) Inch Diameter

Price:  $135.00 with free handling and shipping to the contiguous United States of America

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

Up for sale is a replication of a Mimbres bowl and design of a skunk and its family. The Mimbres Culture once frequented the southwestern deserts of America from approximately circa 200 to 1150 A.D.  The now extinct culture is best known for the wonderful legacy of ceramic picture bowls they left behind. Why they left, where they went are questions that can only be answered with speculation and conjecture. What we do know is this culture had an intimate relationship with the natural world that surrounded them. This is evidenced by the prolific and varied designs of wildlife they rendered upon these small to medium sized bowls.  “Skunk Bowl” was replicated by the artists of Starling Black Studio in the White Mountains of Arizona.  The bowl was handmade and painted with homemade brushes of hair and yucca. It was fired in a dirt pit with juniper wood.  Upon emergence from the hot coals and ashes the vessel’s surface was covered with fire clouds and a smoky patina which can only be attained through the use of these primitive processes. At Starling Black Studio, we strive to recreate authentic appearing replications of artifacts from prehistoric cultures that appear genuine. If you have a love for archeology and an appreciation for the simplistic beauty of primitive arts, then I believe you will be very satisfied with the acquisition of “Skunk Bowl” as it has the appearance of an authentic artifact uncovered from an anthropological dig site.

Dimension:  Seven (7) Inches Diameter

Price:  $135.00 with free handling and shipping to anywhere in the contiguous United States of America

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

This is a delightful reproduction of a prehistoric design by the Mimbres tribe now passed into extinction (circa 200 – 1150 AD). The subject is of a Horny Toad Lizard with a body of diminishing concentric rings. The design is repetitious with cascading circles which complements and harmonizes with the shape of the round bowl. The Mimbres artists were masters of design and this mastery is very evident in this artistically orchestrated creation. The bowl was replicated not so very far away from where it was originally crafted in the southwestern deserts of North America. It was hand constructed, painted with homemade yucca brushes, and wood fired in an earthen pit. These tradition techniques have rendered the bowl’s surface with rich fire clouds and a pleasing smoky patina.  Thank you for looking.

Diameter:  6 inch bowl

$95.00 with free shipping and handling to anywhere in the contiguous United States of America.

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

The Mimbres Culture circa 200 to 1150 A.D. was believed to be related to the prehistoric Anasazi, but because of their geographic isolation their art took a divergent path of creativity which is evidenced by the remarkable small to medium sized ceramic picture bowls they painted of the natural world that surrounded them. This replication is of a bowl upon which is rendered a creature that appears to be a mountain lion donning the mask of a deer, its prey.  This ancient culture left no written records to reveal the interpretation of their symbolism. At best we can only speculate as to true meaning of the designs painted upon these remnant pieces of antiquity. The tradition, language, and beliefs of this forgotten culture and their art long ago passed into obscurity and extinction. This replication appears as realistic and authentic as the original because primitive techniques were used to develop it. It was hand built, painted with homemade natural yucca brushes, and fired in a dirt pit using Juniper branches which rendered upon its surface rich fire clouds and a smoky patina. The bowl is incredibly authentic in appearance.  It is a rare person who can actually afford to purchase original artifacts and the majority of us need to travel hundreds of miles to a museum to see these pieces of lost art from an extinct culture. This replication offers an affordable solution to anyone who appreciates the unique rawness and natural look of a prehistoric artifact and art of a bygone culture.

Diameter:  Ten (10) Inches Diameter

Price:  $250 with free shipping and handling anywhere in the contiguous United States of America.

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

The now extinct Mimbres Culture (circa 200 to 1150 A.D.) is best known for the wonderful pictures they painted upon small to medium sized ceramic bowls. A popular theme was that of the bat. Several different varieties and styles of this subject have been recovered from historical sites and ruins. This reproduction bowl is a copy of one of those renditions. At Starling Black Studio, we strive to make realistic appearing replications of these bowls. This bowl was purposely cracked, chipped, and abraded.  It was completed by shooting a kill hole in its center. The result is simply a fantastically authentic appearing replication.  Authentic bowls are few and extremely expensive if you indeed can find one for sale. Most of us must take a road trip to a distant archeological museum to even see these pieces of antiquity. If you love archeology and have an appreciation for the rawness of the primitive arts, then I believe you will not be disappointed with the acquisition of one of our pieces.  Thank you for looking.

Dimensions:  Six (6) inches diameter

Price:  $95.00 with free handling and shipping to anywhere in the contiguous United States of America.

Sold out

Mimbres Taod Sherd Replica

Sold out

Mimbres Taod Sherd Replica


This piece was handcrafted, painted, and pit fired. It is rich with fire clouds and appears very authentic. The Horny Toad Sherd is a great affordable alternative solution to the collection of authentic prehistoric artifacts which are rare, expensive, and at times of questionable origin. If you love the rawness and simplicity of prehistoric arts, then this piece will not disappoint you.

Dimensions:  4.5 inches W x 4nches H

Price:  $27.00 with free shipping and handling anywhere in the contiguous United States of America.

This bowl was handcrafted and painted to appear as authentic Mimbres in every way. The subject is of an antelope. The prehistoric Mimbres tribe existed from approximately circa 200 to 1150 AD in the southwestern deserts of America, but today are best known for their paintings of the natural world that surrounded them  rendered on small to medium ceramic bowls. This replication bowl was created in the White Mountains of Arizona at the Starling Black Studio. Rich fire clouds and a soft smoky patina cover its surface. The vessel was hand formed and scraped prior to being painted with homemade brushes of hair and yucca. It was fired in an open wood fire pit. After the ashes cooled it emerged as a timeless piece of art that harkens ones thoughts back to a simpler less complex time in the prehistory of man. An original Mimbres bowl is rarely seen today unless one travels to an antiquities museum or is fortunate enough to know a private collector of antiquities. “Antelope Bowl” is affordable, available, and may be an optimal and ideal option for one interested in the archeological arts. At Starling Black Studio we attempt to make each piece as realistic looking as possible. Thank you for looking.

Size:  Six (6) inch diameter

Price:  $95.00 with free handling and shipping to the contiguous United States of America

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

This piece was handcrafted, painted, and pit fired. It is rich with fire clouds and appears very authentic. The “Wolf” is a great affordable alternative solution to the collection of authentic prehistoric artifacts which are rare, expensive, and at times of questionable origin. If you love the rawness and simplicity of prehistoric arts, then this piece will not disappoint you.

Dimensions:  3.75 inches W x 2.5 inches H

Price: $16.00 with free shipping and handling anywhere in the contiguous United States of America.

Free shipping

This is an interesting rendition that was inspired by an unusual Mimbres bowl. The four negative space symbols are unmistakably those of rabbits, but maybe not. Other symbols appearing upon the bowl seem to represent sky, full moon, and bat anatomy.  Because the now extinct Mimbres Culture had no written records, we are left to our conjecture and speculation which give us only a "best guess" as to what the symbols true meaning is. What we do know is that this culture celebrated the natural world which surrounded them as evidenced by the prolific and various renditions they created upon small to medium sized ceramic bowls. In any case the piece is s a good representation of the fine art once created by this vanished culture and a nice replication in its own right.  Thank you for looking.

Dimensions:  Ten (10) Inches Diameter

Price:  $250.00 with free handling and shipping to anywhere in the contiguous United States of America.

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

This piece was handcrafted, painted, and pit fired. It is rich with fire clouds and appears very authentic. The Horny Toad Sherd is a great affordable alternative solution to the collection of authentic prehistoric artifacts which are rare, expensive, and at times of questionable origin. If you love the rawness and simplicity of prehistoric arts, then this piece will not disappoint you.

Dimensions:  4 inches W x 5 inches H

Price: $27.00 with free handling and shipping to the contiguous United States of America.

This piece was handcrafted, painted, and pit fired. It is rich with fire clouds and appears very authentic. The "Quail With Chicks" Sherd is a great affordable alternative solution to the collection of authentic prehistoric artifacts which are rare, expensive, and at times of questionable origin. If you love the rawness and simplicity of prehistoric arts, then this piece will not disappoint you.

Dimensions: 3 inches W x 3.5 inches H

Price: $18.00 with free shipping and handling anywhere in the contiguous United States of America.

This piece is a reproduction bowl of a comical and whimsical Horny Toad Lizard originally created by the extinct Mimbres Tribe that prehistorically existed in the American Southwest circa 200 to 1150 A.D. The Mimbres Culture is now best known for the pictorial representations their artists painted upon small to medium sized bowls. This replica bowl “Horny Toad Lizard” was handcrafted, painted with homemade brushes and wood fired in an earthen pit. Its surface is rich with natural fire clouds and a pleasing smoky patina rendered from the coals and ashes of the Juniper wood fire process. The piece was completed with a “Kill Hole” to release the spirit of the bowl. The bowl was then chipped and abraided to give it the appearance of a bowl just emerging from an archeological dig site. “Horny Toad Lizard Bowl” was replicated in Starling Black Studio probably not far from where the original was created. Authentic Mimbres bowls are difficult to come by and if one is fortunate enough to find one the price is often prohibitive. Replication pottery is a great alternative at a reasonable price. We make our pottery to appear as the authentic originals from only extinct cultures. If you love the rawness of prehistoric artifacts and have an appreciation for the rawness of primitive fine art you will not be disappointed with our work.

Size:  6 inch diameter

$95.00 with free handling and shipping to anywhere in the contiguous United States of America.

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

This piece was inspired by the Lascaux Cave discovery.  When the two modern day hunters entered the cave, it was as if being taken back 15,000 years through a time portal.  This piece was built by the coiled clay method, painted with crudely manufactured brushes from the Yucca plant, and then fired in a modified Naked Raku process.  It is alive with primal essence emanating from its prehistoric beginnings enhanced by its primitive construction and rendition techniques. The process of making this jar was raw clay coil and scraped into its shape resembling the prehistoric Hopi Sityaki jar. Upon its surface was painted the animal theme. The jar was then fired in a traditional kiln. Upon cooling the painted surface was covered with raw wet clay.  It was then fired in a Raku gas kiln until it was red hot. Removed hot from the Raku kiln it was placed glowing into a loft of leaves and pine needles. The leaves would then burst into flames when the oxygen was cut off extinguishing the flame. Black carbon from the burnt leaves and needles was driven into the clay. Pull the jar out while still hot it was submerged in water until cool. The process involves fire and steam. Once cooled the clay is chipped from the surface of the painting. This process creates a very rough stone-like rough surface which is then sealed with acrylic. The result is a very archaic appearing jar which seems to be thousands of years old. If you like smooth shinny ceramics this piece is not for you, but if you appreciate the beauty of prehistoric artifacts, then I think you will enjoy the raw primitive essence of Lascaux Cave Jar. Thank you for looking.

Dimensions:  5.5 inches height x 15 inches (Large Jar)

Price:  $375.00 – free handling and shipping within the contiguous USA.

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

Up for sale is a recreation and reproduction bowl inspired by a Mimbres design depicting fish in a series of concentric rings, checkerboard, and parallel line patterns.  Today the Mimbres are best known for the stylized renditions of the natural world they painted upon the interiors of small to medium sized ceramic bowls. The piece was created in the White Mountains of Arizona at Starling Black Studio.  Natural processes and handmade tools were used to recreate the bowl. It was pit fired which rendered its surface a smoky patina and rich fire clouds.  We strive to create authenticity through the use of primitive techniques. Our bowls have a very rustic and antique appearance which makes them appear similar to the original artifacts that inspired their replication.  If you love the raw beauty of the prehistoric arts, then I believe you will not be disappointed with the acquisition of “Fishes Bowl” for it possesses the raw beauty of an original artifact. Thanks for looking.

Dimensions:  Ten (10) Inches Diameter

Price:  $250.00 with free handling and shipping to the contiguous United States of America.

Not for use in the consumption, preparation, or service of food items; for display and decorative purposes only.

Up for your consideration is a replication bowl of what appears to be a heron with a ridiculously long neck upon which are painted renditions of fish. The original bowl was produced by the now extinct Mimbres Culture which existed approximately Circa 1100 A.D. The bowl is highly stylized and rich with symbolism. The overall appearance of this bowl is comical which belies an innate sense of humor this prehistoric tribe must have had. At Starling Black Studio we strive to replicate authentic artifacts that, although contemporarily produced, appear as originals. We obtain this result from the use of primitive processes and techniques to produce these pieces. If you love archeology and have an appreciation for the rawness of prehistoric art, then I believe you will not be disappointed with the acquisition of “Heron and Fishes Bowl” as it captures the essence of and appearance of an authentic artifact. Thank you for looking.

Size:  Ten (10) Inches Diameter

Price:  $250.00 with free handling and shipping to the contiguous U.S.A.

Sold out

Mimbres Fish Sherd Replica

Sold out

Mimbres Fish Sherd Replica


This piece was handcrafted, painted, and pit fired. It is rich with fire clouds and appears very authentic. The Fish Sherd is a great affordable alternative solution to the collection of authentic prehistoric artifacts which are rare, expensive, and at times of questionable origin. If you love the rawness and simplicity of prehistoric arts, then this piece will not disappoint you.

Dimensions: 3 inches W x 3 inches H

Price: 18.00 with free shipping and handling costs to the contiguous United States of America.

This is a delightful reproduction of a prehistoric design by the Mimbres tribe  passed into extinction (circa 200 – 1150 AD). The subject of the bowl is of a smiling Horny Toad Lizard with a rainbow connecting the front feet. The meaning of this can only be left to conjectureor speculation as no written records ever existed to discern the nature of the symbolism. Maybe it was magic or maybe it was art? This knowledge is now lost in the ashes of time and only intuitive and enlightened speculation will discern or decipher the unwritten language of this long past and distant culture. Thanks for looking 

Diameter:  6 inch bowl

$95.00 with free shipping and handling to anywhere in the contiguous United States of America.

Not for use in the consumption, preparation, or service of food items; for display and decorative purposes only.

This piece was handcrafted, painted, and pit fired. It is rich with fire clouds and appears very authentic. The Ram's Head Sherd is a great affordable alternative solution to the collection of authentic prehistoric artifacts which are rare, expensive, and at times of questionable origin. If you love the rawness and simplicity of prehistoric arts, then this piece will not disappoint you.

Dimensions: 4 inches W x 3.5 inches H

Price: $25.00 with free handling and shipping costs to the contiguous United States of America.

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

This piece was handcrafted, painted, and pit fired. It is rich with fire clouds and appears very authentic. The “Horny Toad” is a great affordable alternative solution to the collection of authentic prehistoric artifacts which are rare, expensive, and at times of questionable origin. If you love the rawness and simplicity of prehistoric arts, then this piece will not disappoint you.

Dimensions:  2.5 inches W x 3.75 inches H

Price: $18.00 with free handling and shipping to the contiguous United States of America

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

This is a replication bowl upon which is the rendition of a strange creature that has the tail of a lion and the feet of a bear.  The beast is exquisitely drafted and intricately painted.  The now extinct Mimbres culture circa 200 to 1150 AD would paint the natural world around them on small to medium sized bowls.  Although this bowl is only a fantastic replication inspired by the original it has the appearance of an authentic artifact. At Starling Black Studio, we strive to make our vessels appear as original artifacts. Using primitive techniques and hand processes you will find that our vessels lack symmetry, have rough and excoriated surfaces, and are rich in fire clouds with a smoky patina rendered from the open fire used in their creation. We use a proprietary treatment to effectively "antique" the vessel so that it presents as prehistoric in appearance. If you enjoy the raw unassuming beauty of ancient artifacts, then I believe you will not be disappointed with the acquisition of "Strange Creature" as it appears as though it just emerged from the ashes of a distant time and faraway place. Thank you for looking.

Specification:  Ten (10) Inches Diameter

Price:  $250.00 with free handling and shipping to the contiguous United States of America

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

Up for your consideration is the replication of a Mimbres Polychrome Bat Bowl. The now extinct Mimbres Culture (circa 200 to 1150 A.D.) is best known for the wonderful pictures they painted upon small to medium sized ceramic bowls. A popular theme was that of the bat. Several different varieties and styles of this subject have been recovered from historical sites and ruins. This reproduction bowl is a copy of one of those renditions.  The piece is painted in polychrome and has rich fire clouds and a smoky patina due to the wood firing process.  At Starling Black Studio, we strive to make realistic appearing replications from bowls of antiquity.  Authentic artifact bowls are few and extremely expensive if you indeed can find one for sale. Most of us must take a long road trip to a distant archeological museum to even see these pieces of prehistoric fine art. If you love archeology and have an appreciation for the rawness of the primitive arts, then I believe you will not be disappointed with the acquisition of one of our pieces.  Thank you for your view and consideration of “Polychrome Bat Bowl.”

Dimensions:   Six 6 Inches Diameter

Price:  $95.00 with free handling and shipping to anywhere in the contiguous United States of America.

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

The Mimbres Culture was related to the Anasazi Tribe, although because of their geographic isolation Mimbres Art took a divergent tangent from the Anasazi. A legacy of small to medium sized ceramic bowls which depicted the natural world were left to us. This reproduction bowl is rendered with the image of a hare upon its interior surface. The hare was a common motif in Mimbres artwork, and several renditions of this theme have been unearthed from their abandoned ruins. Why they left and where they went is open to conjecture. The Mimbres Culture spanned from circa 200 to 1150 A.D. when they resided in the southwest deserts of America.  Starling Black Studio in the White Mountains of Arizona attempts to reproduce realistic looking replications of original artifacts.  Our vessels are handmade and painted with homemade brushes of hair or yucca. A dirt pit firing of juniper wood renders rich fire clouds and a smoky patina upon the bowl's surface. If you enjoy the rawness of primitive art, then I believe you will not be disappointed in our work. Thank you for looking.

Size:  Ten (10) Inches Diameter

Price:  $250.00 with free handling and shipping to the contiguous United States of America

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

This piece is a reproduction bowl of a whimsical turtle design originally created by the extinct Mimbres Tribe that prehistorically existed in the American Southwest circa 200 to 1150 A.D. The Mimbres Culture is now best known for the pictorial representations their artists painted upon small to medium sized ceramic bowls of the natural world that surrounded them. This replication bowl was handmade, painted with homemade brushes and wood fired in an earthen pit. Its surface is rich with natural fire clouds and a pleasing smoky patina rendered from the coals and ashes of the Juniper wood fire process. “Turtle Bowl” was replicated in Starling Black Studio by Coral and Starling Black in eastern Arizona probably not far from where the bowl was originally created. Original Mimbres bowls are difficult to come by and if you are fortunate enough to find one for sale the price is often prohibitive. Replication pottery is a great alternative at a reasonable price. We make our pottery to appear as the authentic originals from the extinct cultures. If you love the rawness of ancient artifacts and have an appreciation for prehistoric fine art you will not be disappointed with our work. Thanks for looking.

Size:  6 inches diameter

$95.00 with free handling and shipping to anywhere in the contiguous United States of America.

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

Up for your consideration is a Hohokam inspired replication of a bird design painted upon a platter. The western clay body was selected for its color. Mica temper was added to create a level of authenticity as Hohokam clay bodies were composed with this mineral. Paint was predominantly iron oxide combined with binders to affect an adhering substance that would bind to the clay body once it was fired. The design was painted with homemade hair and yucca brushes.  A wood fire in an earth pit resulted in rich fire clouds and a smoky patina rendered upon the vessel’s surface.  In the White Mountains of Arizona Starling Black Studio strives to make authentic appearing replications of prehistoric artifacts from extinct cultures.  "Hohokam Bird Platter" reflects the fine art and whimsy of this once vibrant and incredible culture. Thank you for looking.

Dimensions:  11.25 Inches diameter

The Mimbres Culture circa 200 to 1150 A.D. was believed to be related to the prehistoric Anasazi, but because of their geographic isolation their art took a divergent path of creativity which is evidenced by the remarkable small to medium sized ceramic picture bowls they painted of the natural world that surrounded them. This replication is of an incredible and fantastic zoomorphic creature which features the attributes of a hare combined with the tail of a rattlesnake! The animal is perched upon a flower and appears suspended in the air. It is difficult to determine the true meaning of this design as no written records exist to discern the symbolism of this bygone culture. This piece was inspired by an actual bowl, which is hundreds of years old, observed in a photograph from an archeological textbook. The replication appears as an original Mimbres bowl because primitive techniques were used to reproduce it. It was handmade, painted with homemade brushes, and fired in a dirt pit using Juniper branches which rendered upon its surface rich fire clouds and a smoky patina. The bowl abraded, sanded, fumed, stained, and stressed in a variety of ways which gives the appearance of a vessel which is many years older.  Starling Black Studio attempts to recreate replications of original artifacts which have the appearance of the original.  It is a rare person who can actually afford to purchase original artifacts, and few are available to be acquired. The majority of us travel hundreds of miles to a museum to see these pieces of lost art from an extinct culture. This replication offers an affordable alternative solution to anyone who appreciates the unique rawness and natural look of a prehistoric artifact. If you love archeology and the simplicity and beauty of primitive art, you will not be disappointed in this bowl. Thank you for looking.

Diameter:  Six (6) Inches

Free handling and shipping to anywhere in the contiguous United States of America

DO NOT use in the preparing or serving of food, for decorative and display purposes only.

The Mimbres Culture circa 200 to 1150 A.D. was believed to be related to the prehistoric Anasazi, but because of their geographic isolation their art took a divergent path of creativity which is evidenced by the remarkable small to medium sized ceramic picture bowls they painted of the natural world that surrounded them. This replication is of a bowl upon which is rendered a creature that appears to be a canine eating an insect. Probably it is a fox, but your guess is as good as mine. This ancient culture left no written records to reveal the interpretation of their symbolism. At best we can only speculate as to true meaning of the designs painted upon these remnant pieces of antiquity. The tradition, language, and beliefs of this forgotten culture and their art long ago passed into obscurity and extinction. This replication appears as realistic and authentic as the original because primitive techniques were used to develop it. It was hand built, painted with homemade natural yucca brushes, and fired in a dirt pit using Juniper branches which rendered upon its surface rich fire clouds and a smoky patina.  There are now few original Mimbres bowls available to be acquired and it is a rare person who can actually afford to purchase original artifacts while the majority of us need to travel hundreds of miles to a museum to see these pieces of lost art from an extinct culture. This replication offers an affordable solution to anyone who appreciates the unique rawness and natural look of a prehistoric artifact and the art of a bygone culture. At Starling Black Studio our goal is to make realistic looking replications of original artifacts. If you enjoy the raw beauty of prehistoric arts, then we believe you will be pleased with our rendition of "Fox Eats Insect Bowl." Thank you for looking.

Diameter:  Six (6) Inches

Free handling and shipping to anywhere in the contiguous United States of America

NOT to be used in the preparing or serving of food, but for display and decorative purposes only.

Sold out

Hohokam Horny Toad Bowl Replica

Sold out

Hohokam Horny Toad Bowl Replica


Up for your consideration is a very large (14 Inches Diameter) replication of a Hohokam bowl that is an artifact featured in the Pueblo Grande Museum of Phoenix, Arizona. The Hohokam once frequented the Salt River Basin of the Sonoran Desert of prehistoric America. This Culture is now best known for the extensive network of canals they constructed to irrigate their crops and the prolific red on buff pottery they created. Even today if you walk along our modern canals of Phoenix and Mesa, Arizona you will find sherds of pottery once made by the Hohokam. Starling Black Studio attempts to replicate original artifacts once created by these now extinct cultures. This vessel is hand crafted and wood fired in a open dirt pit which renders a smoky patina and occasional fire cloud upon their surface. The pottery is abraded, fumed, and stained which results in a replication that appears to be an actual artifact hundreds of years old. 

Dimension: 14 inches

Free shipping withinthe contiguous United States

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

Up for your consideration is a replication of a Mimbres bowl of what appears to be a ladybug.  The extinct Mimbres Culture prehistorically inhabited the southwestern deserts of the Americas approximately circa 1100 A.D. Although vanished from existence they left behind a legacy of fantastically painted ceramic bowls which depicted the natural world that once surrounded them.  Through the use of primitive techniques and a propriety aging process we obtain an authentic appearing replication that would appear to be at home on the shelf of an antiquities museum. If you love archeology and have an appreciation for the rawness of the prehistoric arts, then I believe you will be satisfied to add "Ladybug Bowl" to your collection. 

Dimension: 6 inches

Free shipping withinthe contiguous United States

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

This is an interesting Mimbres (circa 200 to 1150 A.D.) bowl replication depicting a ritualistic sacrifice of a figure by a second figure who has donned a serpent headdress and wheels what appears to be a knife or possibly a hotdog with mustard on it. What we know of this culture is very limited as written or historical records are not available.  The original bowl was unearthed on a private ranch in the Mimbres Valley of New Mexico and now resides at the University of Colorado Museum in Boulder.

Dimension: 10 inches

Free shipping within the contiguous United States

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

This vessel was inspired by 1500 B.C. Minoan ceramics and murals depicting the sea and its wonderfully magical creatures. Upon this relatively large jar is a striking rendition of a marvelous and beautiful sea creature, half woman and half fish. She cruises the sea, stopping momentarily to peer into your soul, then with the splash of a tail is gone! Remnants of small bubbles rise and burst into stars that cover the night sky. She was here, then gone, or did I imagine her? The jar was hand built using the coil and scrape technique. The firing process is similar to that of naked raku; using a clay resist to cover the painting then plunging, glowing, red hot, into wild grasses and oak leaves. Rich black carbon from the charred grasses is forced into the clay body, the vessel is quenched with water and steam. The elements of earth, fire, water, and air are strong in this vessel. It is an exquisite piece of art signed by the artist. 

Dimension: 15.25 x 5.5 inches

Free shipping within the contiguous United States

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

Up for consideration is the replication of a theme depicted on a 10th century ceramic bowl from ancient Persia. The subject is a chained leopard that is decorated with a banner spanning his midsection and with rings upon his legs. The theme is unusual and begs the question as to what purpose is this beast bound and to what end is it decorated so. My best guess is the leopard is so disposed as a form of entertainment, not so different than a lion in a modern circus or a bear in the zoo. It is interesting to note that during this time period on the other side of the globe the Mimbres Culture made ceramic bowls depicting animals/birds that were caged or leashed and often manipulated by a trainer or handler. My guess is that performing animals were a fine source of entertainment at this time. 

Dimension: 6 inches

Free shipping within the contiguous United States

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving

Anasazi Olla


Anasazi Olla


The Anasazi Culture was composed of Ancestral Puebloans who frequented the desert and high country of prehistoric Southwestern America. Their legacy was a plethora of stone pueblo structures and ceramic pottery sherds that ranged from New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, to Utah. Still today, the country side is scattered with black and white pottery sherds which speak to their prolific and artistic abilities. High in the White Mountains of Arizona, Starling Black Studio attempts to replicate the wonderful ceramic vessels once made by this extinct culture.  Our pottery pieces are made to appear as actual artifacts. You will not find smooth surfaces or symmetrical forms; small scratches and excoriations abound. The jars are handmade and painted with our homemade brushes and our propriety paints. Each olla, canteen, or jar is fumed, stained, and abraded. All are wood fired in a dirt pit which renders the surface with rich fire clouds and a smoky patina that can only be obtained from the use of these primitive processing techniques.  No two pieces are the same and none appear new or refined. If you love the raw and simple beauty of the prehistoric arts and have an appreciation for the archaic look of artifacts, then I believe you will not be disappointed with “Olla the Beautiful" as our work reflects the spirit of the Anasazi.

Dimensions:  Approximately 11.00 Inches Height by 10.50 Inches Width

Free shipping within the contiguous United States

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

This is a dynamic reproduction of a fish bowl originally created by the extinct Mimbres Tribe that prehistorically existed in the American southwestern deserts circa 200 to 1150 A.D. The culture is best known for the pictorial representations of the natural world their artists rendered upon small to medium sized bowls. This replica bowl was created at Starling Black Studio in the White Mountains of Arizona. The vessel was handcrafted and painted with homemade brushes and fired in an earthen pit. Its surface is rich with natural fire clouds and a pleasing smoky patina from the coals and ashes of a Juniper wood fire. This fish swirls through the fabric of time and sends concentric rings and ripples of antiquity that extend into eternity!

Size:  10 inches diameter

Free shipping within the contiguous United States

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

This replication of a Hohokam Bowl was inspired by an original artifact from what I remember to be from the William Schenck Collection of Artifacts. I first came into contact with the original artifact approximately twenty-five years ago while employed for Hyatt Restorations in Show Low, Arizona. The bowl was at best a remnant with the entire bottom missing and only the rim and a portion of the sides remaining. Through the genius of Dace Hyatt, the missing elements of design were extrapolated from the remaining sherds and then generalized to the remainder of the bowl.  The original bowl was reconstructed and painted by Dace resulting in a beautiful piece of fine prehistoric art which would have otherwise been lost in the ashes of time.  At Starling Black Studio we are inspired by such stories and strive also to protect the prehistoric arts through our realistic replication of original artifacts.  "Many Swirl Hohokam Bowl" is one of our many examples of this quest. The body of the bowl was hand built and then painted with homemade brushes of hair and/or yucca.  Upon the surface of this bowl you will find rich fire clouds and a smoky patina rendered by an open wood fire. The surface was then abraded and stained to give it truly an ancient look. The result is simply a stunning example of fine art that was once completed by this now extinct culture. You will not find our bowls exactly symmetrical; the surfaces  are excoriated and treated with our  artificial aging processes. If you love archeology and have an appreciation for the raw beauty of prehistoric artifacts, then I believe you will not be disappointed with our replication of what we affectionally call "Many Swirl Hohokam Bowl."

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The Mimbres Culture is believed to be related to the Anasazi Tribe which went extinct in approximately circa 1150 A.D.  Due to their geographic isolation Mimbres art took a divergent direction from the Anasazi.  Depictions of the natural world adorn a multitude of small to medium sized ceramic bowls they left as a legacy. No one seems to know what this particular bowl represents. I have heard some say it is a frog. Others have described it as a fetus. I personally believe it is a representation of Casper the prehistoric friendly ghost. All kidding aside, your guess would be as good as any for no written records were left by this bygone culture.  Starling Black studio attempts to recreate realistic looking replications of original artifacts. The bowl was homemade and painted by hand with yuca or hairbrushes. The surface was abraded, stained, and fumed to create a realistic looking representation of an original artifact. A smoky patina and fire clouds adorn its surface rendered from the wood pit fire that completed the process. If you enjoy the rawness of primitive art and have a love for archeology, then I believe you will enjoy "Casper Ghost Bowl" as reproduced in our studio in the White Mountains of Arizona. 

Dimensions:  6 Inches 

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MImbres Bat Bowl Replica

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MImbres Bat Bowl Replica


The now extinct Mimbres Culture (circa 200 to 1150 A.D.) is best known for the wonderful pictures they painted upon small to medium sized ceramic bowls. A popular theme was that of the bat. Several different varieties and styles of this subject have been recovered form historical sites and ruins. This reproduction bowl is a copy of one of those renditions. At Starling Black Studio we strive to make realistic appearing replications of these bowls. Authentic bowls are few and extremely expensive if you indeed can find one for sale. Most of us must take a road trip to a distant archeological museum to even see these pieces of antiquity. If you love archeology and have an appreciation for the rawness of the primitive arts, then I believe you will not be disappointed with the acquisition of “Bat in Flight Bowl.” Thank you for looking.

Dimensions:  6 inches 

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This is a  replication of an ancient Persian bowl that depicts a highly decorated and stylized gazelle that appears to be flying across the vessel's surface. Indeed, the graceful animal is not only entering but appears to be leaving the bowl's surface all at the same moment. We use traditional processes and archaic techniques to create our replications. If you love archeology, anthropology, and have an appreciation for the raw beauty of the primitive arts, then I you will agree that "Flying Gazelle Vessel" is a fine rendition of the art once created from a distant time and place. Thank you for looking.

Dimensions:  6 Inches

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Up for sale is a replication bowl of a Mimbres design which depicts a double ram upon the surface of a ten-inch ceramic bowl.  Today the extinct Mimbres Culture is known for the prolific rendition of the natural world that surrounded them on small to medium sized ceramic bowls. The bowl was recreated at Starling Black Studio in the White Mountains of Arizona. The bowl was constructed and processed using primitive techniques and homemade tools. Upon its surface is a smoky patina rendered from the wood fire and earth pit process. The surface is rich with fire clouds.  Because of the primitive processes used to create this bowl it appears as an original artifact and if not for the artist’s signature would not appear to be a replication, but rather the real deal.

Dimension: 6 inches

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This reproduction jar is extremely authentic-looking in its lines and design, classic Salado Culture in every way shape and form.  These effigy style jars were made approximately 600 to 800 years ago in the Tonto Basin of the Salt River region of Arizona.  There is a theory that they were constructed to be watercraft and filled with offerings, prayers, and dreams; then set afloat on the Salt (Salado) River to drift off into the land of the gods. Wood firing in a dirt pit renders the surface with a smoky patina that is enhanced with occasional fire clouds. 

Dimensions:   7.25 Inches Height   x   10.00 Inches Width   x  17.00 Inches Length 

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“Fantastic Creature” is precisely painted in distinct Mimbres fashion. Is this a bear or a lion? The tail is of a lion, but the feet are of a bear. Maybe it is neither, but rather a fantasy creation or vision of something totally unique. This replication bowl was inspired from a photo graph of an actual Mimbres bowl that was created hundreds of years ago. The original was made approximately circa 1100 AD during the Classical Mimbres Period. The replication bowl was hand constructed and painted in the traditional ways. It was pit fired with juniper wood which resulted in the rich fire clouds and a unique patina upon its surface. The bowl was then abraded and stained in a variety of ways.  

Dimension: 6 inches

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Mimbres Horny Toad Bowl Replica

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Mimbres Horny Toad Bowl Replica


This piece is a reproduction bowl of a comical and whimsical Horny Toad Lizard originally created by the extinct Mimbres Tribe that prehistorically frequented the American Southwest circa 200 to 1150 A.D. The Mimbres Culture is now best known for the pictorial representations their artists painted upon small to medium sized bowls of the natural world that surrounded them. This replica bowl was handcrafted, painted with homemade brushes and wood fired in an earthen pit. Its surface is rich with natural fire clouds and a pleasing smoky patina rendered from the coals and ashes of the Juniper wood fire process.

Dimension: 7 inches

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It was many and many a year ago in a kingdom by the sea that a civilization once there lived who were known as "The Sea People."  The Minoan Culture was a civilization on the Island of ancient Crete that flourished circa 2700 to 1450 B.C.  They were a maritime and mercantile society that traded their fine ceramic art throughout the coastal Mediterranean Sea.  A series of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and the resulting Tsunami is believed to have resulted in their extinction around circa 1600 B.C. Today they are best known for the fantastic art and refined culture they brought to early Europe. This vessel depicts a maritime scene which features an octopus in all its glory. Our vessels are handmade. None of the work is perfectly symmetrical and you will find that the surfaces are not exceptionally smooth with abrasions and excoriations. This vessel appears more grown than manufactured. It was aged using our propriety techniques. 

Approximately circa 1150 A.D. a unique culture, the Mimbres, for unknown reasons vanished into extinction. Although their existence ceased, the legacy they left behind was a proliferation of finely abstracted and stylized art painted upon small to medium sized ceramic bowls. They portrayed the world as it existed around them in exquisite and extraordinary fashion. Presented before you is a small six inch diameter bowl which depicts a dancer or performer in a headdress or costume. Was it a ritualistic dance, an entertaining performance, or a persuasive endeavor? The answer is lost in the ashes of time. This replication bowl was handcrafted, painted, and fired in an earthen pit. It is rich in fire clouds and adeptly painted in the Mimbres fashion with graceful lines which sweep into a medley of form and motion.

Dimension: 6 inches

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It was many and many a year ago in a kingdom by the sea that a civilization once there lived that was known as "The Sea People." The Minoan Culture was a civilization on the Island of ancient Crete that flourished circa 2700 to 1450 B.C. They were a maritime and mercantile society that traded their fine ceramic art throughout the coastal Mediterranean Sea. A series of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and the resulting tsunami is believed to have resulted in their extinction. Today they are best known for the fantastic art and refined culture they brought to early Europe. This piece is a replication of a large wine vessel that we have aptly named "Minoan Wine Vessel" for lack of a more defining description. It depicts a maritime scene that features a large octopus and other marine creatures and sea flora. Our vessels are hand made using the coil and scrape method. It was aged using our propriety techniques. If you enjoy the art of ancient cultures and have a love for archeology, then I believe you will agree that "Minoan Wine Vessel" is a great representation of the art once created by the Minoan Culture. 

Dimensions: Approximately 12.0 Inches Tall by 11.5 Inches Wide 

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Rhyton Effigy Mugs were made throughout Europe and the Middle East during the Iron Age approximately starting around circa 1200 B.C. The vessels were made so that upon filling, it was impossible to set it down thus facilitating drinking the wine content in its entirety. In any case at Starling Black Studio, we attempt to make realistic appearing replications of ancient artifacts. This Greek-style rhyton of a goat effigy drinking vessel was hand sculpted and not slip molded. The vessel was stained with red wine, minerals, and paints to give it a used and ancient appearance. Fired with wood in a dirt pit rendered a smoky patina that was subsequently stained, fumed, and abraded to give it truly a realistic look of antiquity.  

Dimensions: Length = 8.25 Inches Nose to Rim 

Width = 4.50 Inches Ear Tip to Ear Tip 

Height = 5.50 Inches from Top of Handle to Opposite Rim

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Rhyton Effigy Mugs were made throughout Europe and the Middle East during the Iron Age approximately starting around circa 1200 B.C. The vessels were made so that upon filling, it was impossible to set it down thus facilitating drinking the wine content in its entirety. This Greek style rhyton of a ram's head drinking vessel was hand sculpted and not slip molded. The vessel was stained with red wine, minerals, and paints to give it a used and ancient appearance. Fired with wood in a dirt pit rendered a smoky patina that was subsequently stained, fumed, and abraded to give it truly a realistic look of antiquity. 

Dimensions:  Length = 9.0 Inches Nose to Top of Handle                                                                                                             Width = 5.50 Inches Horn to Horn                          

Height = 4.75 Inches from Back of Handle to Opposite Rim

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For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.

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Hohokam Flower Platter Replica

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Hohokam Flower Platter Replica


Up for your consideration is a Hohokam inspired replication of a flower design painted upon a platter. A western clay body was selected for its color. Mica temper was added to create a level of authenticity as Hohokam clay bodies were composed of this mineral. Paint was predominantly iron oxide combined with binders to affect an adhering property once the pottery was fired. The design was painted with homemade hair and yucca brushes.  A wood fire in an earth pit resulted in rich fire clouds and a smoky patina rendered upon the vessel’s surface.  Mild abrasion to the surface created an aged effect. 

Dimensions:  11.25 Inches Diameter

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