Smiling Horny Toad Lizard Mimbres Replica


This is a delightful reproduction of a prehistoric design by the Mimbres tribe  passed into extinction (circa 200 – 1150 AD). The subject of the bowl is of a smiling Horny Toad Lizard with a rainbow connecting the front feet. The meaning of this can only be left to conjectureor speculation as no written records ever existed to discern the nature of the symbolism. Maybe it was magic or maybe it was art? This knowledge is now lost in the ashes of time and only intuitive and enlightened speculation will discern or decipher the unwritten language of this long past and distant culture. Thanks for looking 

Diameter:  6 inch bowl

$95.00 with free shipping and handling to anywhere in the contiguous United States of America.

Not for use in the consumption, preparation, or service of food items; for display and decorative purposes only.