Mimbres/Anasazi Swallow Bowl Replication

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Mimbres/Anasazi Swallow Bowl Replication

The now extinct Mimbres Culture once existed in the southwestern deserts of America approximately from circa 200 to 1150 A.D.  They left behind an archeological record of fantastic and wonderful ceramic bowls upon which were rendered depictions of the natural world that once surrounded them. This bowl is the replication of the original which incorporates four swallows woven into a multiple panel tapestry which is dynamic and active. The replication bowl was handmade and painted with homemade brushes of yucca, processed using primitive techniques which rendered rich fire clouds and a smoky patina upon its surface. This is a beautiful bowl and a tribute to the extinct culture that once created it. “Swallow Bowl” was replicated by Starling Black Studio in the White Mountains of Arizona probably not all that far from where the original was first created. The bowl was replicated to appear as an original artifact and probably would confound all but the most astute archeologist or dedicated collector as to its authenticity.  If you have a love for prehistoric art but cannot afford or find legally obtained originals to purchase, then replication bowls are a great alternative.  “Swallow Bowl” has the appearance of a raw prehistoric artifact and will not disappoint the discerning collector.

Dimensions:  Seven (7) Inches Diameter

Price:  $150.00 with free handling and shipping to anywhere in the contiguous United States of America

For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.