Anasazi / Mimbres Bat Bowl Replication
The now extinct Mimbres Culture (circa 200 to 1150 A.D.) is best known for the wonderful pictures they painted upon small to medium sized ceramic bowls. A popular theme was that of the bat. Several different varieties and styles of this subject have been recovered from historical sites and ruins. This reproduction bowl is a copy of one of those renditions. At Starling Black Studio, we strive to make realistic appearing replications of these bowls. Authentic bowls are few and extremely expensive if you indeed can find one for sale. Most of us must take a road trip to a distant archeological museum to even see these pieces of antiquity. If you love archeology and have an appreciation for the rawness of the primitive arts, then I believe you will not be disappointed with the acquisition of one of our pieces. Thank you for looking at "Bat Bowl."
Dimensions: Six (6) inches diameter
Price: $95.00 with free handling and shipping to anywhere in the contiguous United States of America
For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.