Anasazi Mimbres Fish Bowl Replica


This is a dynamic reproduction of a fish bowl originally created by the extinct Mimbres Tribe that prehistorically existed in the American southwestern deserts circa 200 to 1150 A.D. The culture is best known for the pictorial representations of the natural world their artists rendered upon small to medium sized bowls. This replica bowl was created at Starling Black Studio in the White Mountains of Arizona. The vessel was handcrafted and painted with homemade brushes and fired in an earthen pit. Its surface is rich with natural fire clouds and a pleasing smoky patina from the coals and ashes of a Juniper wood fire. This fish swirls through the fabric of time and sends concentric rings and ripples of antiquity that extend into eternity!

Size:  10 inches diameter

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For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.