Anasazi MImbres Antelope Bowl Replica
This bowl was handcrafted and painted to appear as authentic Mimbres in every way. The subject is of an antelope. The prehistoric Mimbres tribe existed from approximately circa 200 to 1150 AD in the southwestern deserts of America, but today are best known for their paintings of the natural world that surrounded them which they rendered on small to medium ceramic bowls. This replication bowl was created in the White Mountains of Arizona at the Starling Black Studio. Rich fire clouds and a soft smoky patina cover its surface. The vessel was hand formed and scraped prior to being painted with homemade brushes of hair and yucca. It was fired in an open wood fire pit. As the hot coals and ashes cooled it emerged as a timeless piece of art that harkens ones thoughts back to a simpler less complex time in the prehistory of man. An original Mimbres bowl is rarely seen today unless one travels to an antiquities museum or is fortunate enough to know a private collector of antiquities. “Antelope Bowl” is affordable, available, and may be an optimal and ideal option for one interested in the archeological arts.
Dimension: 6 inches
Free shipping within the contiguous United States
For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.