Anasazi Mimbres Dancer Bowl Replica


Approximately circa 1150 A.D. a unique culture, the Mimbres, for unknown reasons vanished into extinction. Although their existence ceased, the legacy they left behind was a proliferation of finely abstracted and stylized art painted upon small to medium sized ceramic bowls. They portrayed the world as it existed around them in exquisite and extraordinary fashion. Presented before you is a small six inch diameter bowl which depicts a dancer or performer in a headdress or costume. Was it a ritualistic dance, an entertaining performance, or a persuasive endeavor? The answer is lost in the ashes of time. This replication bowl was handcrafted, painted, and fired in an earthen pit. It is rich in fire clouds and adeptly painted in the Mimbres fashion with graceful lines which sweep into a medley of form and motion.

Dimension: 6 inches

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For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.