Ancient Minonan Crete Wine Vessel Replica


It was many and many a year ago in a kingdom by the sea that a civilization once there lived that was known as "The Sea People." The Minoan Culture was a civilization on the Island of ancient Crete that flourished circa 2700 to 1450 B.C. They were a maritime and mercantile society that traded their fine ceramic art throughout the coastal Mediterranean Sea. A series of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and the resulting tsunami is believed to have resulted in their extinction. Today they are best known for the fantastic art and refined culture they brought to early Europe. This piece is a replication of a large wine vessel that we have aptly named "Minoan Wine Vessel" for lack of a more defining description. It depicts a maritime scene that features a large octopus and other marine creatures and sea flora. Our vessels are hand made using the coil and scrape method. It was aged using our propriety techniques. If you enjoy the art of ancient cultures and have a love for archeology, then I believe you will agree that "Minoan Wine Vessel" is a great representation of the art once created by the Minoan Culture. 

Dimensions: Approximately 12.0 Inches Tall by 11.5 Inches Wide 

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For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.