Minoan Mermaid Jar Replica


This vessel was inspired by 1500 B.C. Minoan ceramics and murals depicting the sea and its wonderfully magical creatures. Upon this relatively large jar is a striking rendition of a marvelous and beautiful sea creature, half woman and half fish. She cruises the sea, stopping momentarily to peer into your soul, then with the splash of a tail is gone! Remnants of small bubbles rise and burst into stars that cover the night sky. She was here, then gone, or did I imagine her? The jar was hand built using the coil and scrape technique. The firing process is similar to that of naked raku; using a clay resist to cover the painting then plunging, glowing, red hot, into wild grasses and oak leaves. Rich black carbon from the charred grasses is forced into the clay body, the vessel is quenched with water and steam. The elements of earth, fire, water, and air are strong in this vessel. It is an exquisite piece of art signed by the artist. 

Dimension: 15.25 x 5.5 inches

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For display purposes only. Not to be used for food preparation or serving.