Anasazi Mouse Effigy Pitcher Replication
This is a replication of an Anasazi Tularosa style mouse effigy pitcher. The vessel was handmade and constructed using the coil and scrape method. It was delicately sculpted and painted with butterfly-like motifs over its entire surface. Fired in a wood pit it emerged from the ashes glowing red hot. When cooled it appeared with a smoky patina and a richness of fire clouds that can only be attained through the use of this primitive firing process. The effigy figure positioned upon the handle and peering longingly over the pitcher’s rim is… well I guess, it’s a mouse. Starling Black Studio in the White Mountains of Arizona attempts to replicate the ceramic artifacts of now extinct cultures. If setting on the shelf of an archeology museum “Mouse Pitcher” could easily be mistaken as an original artifact. If you appreciate the rawness of primitive art and love archeology then I believe you will not be dissatisfied with this authentic appearing replication of the fine art that was once made so many years ago in the high deserts of Southwestern America. Thank you for looking.
Dimensions, Approximate: 6.50 inches length x 5.50 inches width x 7.50 inches height
Free handling and shipping to the contiguous United States of America
NOT for use in the preparing or serving of food; for display and decorative purposes only.